Albakora ensures that this Site has been configured and, as far as possible, will be managed by applying all reasonable techniques and tools suitable for guaranteeing correct and continuous operation of the same. However, even in relation to the current state of knowledge and technology, Albakora cannot exclude the possibility that sometimes malfunctions and/or transmission defects may occur. Consequently, by entering the Site, the User accepts the following: a) the Site or parts of it may be temporarily inaccessible due to malfunctions and/or connection defects or in any case events beyond the control of Albakora; b) Albakora, unless otherwise specified, has no control over the nature or content of the information of programs transmitted or received by the User using the Site, nor does it examine in any way how the Site is used; c) Albakora is not responsible for the material used and/or the conduct of Users while browsing the Site; d) Albakora assumes no responsibility for the transmission on the User’s computer of any viruses and harmful content originating from third parties.
By accessing the Site, the User undertakes to:
a) not to use the Site or the material inserted therein to pursue illegal purposes, or as a tool to disclose or disseminate in any way material or content intended to commit an illegal activity;
b) not to use the Site in order to interrupt, damage or make part or all of it less efficient or in such a way as to damage in any way the effectiveness or functionality of the Site itself;
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d) not to use the Site in such a way as to constitute an infringement of persons or companies (including, but not limited to, copyright or confidentiality rights);
e) not to use the Site to transmit material for advertising and/or promotional purposes without the written permission of Albakora;
Service access and availability. Use of links
The Site may contain links to other Internet resources. Albakora is not responsible for the effective accessibility and availability of these external resources to its Site, nor for the relative contents. Therefore, the User is invited to contact the administrator or webmaster of such external sites if he encounters problems with such contents.
Albakora reserves the right to modify the information, services, products and other accessories contained within the Site, or close the Site at any time without notice.
Except in cases of personal injury caused by negligence, gross negligence or willful misconduct, Albakora will not be liable for any loss or damage deriving from, or connected in any way to the use and functioning of the Site (including the interruption of access to the Site for acts or facts attributable to third parties, for technical disservices or for causes not dependent on one’s will). The aforementioned exclusion of liability includes, without limitation, damages for loss of business, loss of profits, business interruption, loss of commercial information, any other type of pecuniary loss.
Rules relating to the creation of links to the Site and/or to other third-party sites
Users and third parties are not permitted to create links (so-called links) to this Site without the prior written approval of Albakora. In any case, Albakora reserves the right to request that the links to this Site be removed at any time.
This site may contain links (so-called links) to external sites owned by third parties. Said third-party sites, accessible by the User by activating the links (so-called links) and exiting this Site, are not under the control of Albakora, which, therefore, is not responsible for the contents present on the aforementioned sites nor can it in any way guarantee their correct functioning.
The inclusion of any connection (so-called link) does not imply any approval of the contents of the linked sites by Albakora. The User, therefore, is required to take note of and comply with the conditions of use in force on said third-party sites. Likewise, any activation of links (so-called links) to this Site, even if authorized by Albakora, does not imply any approval by the latter of the contents present on the linked site nor any derogation from these Legal Notes.
Copyright, trademarks and copyright protection
The owner of the material published on this site is Albakora.
© – All rights sare reserved –
The Site and with it all its contents, even partial, the “databases” found and used therein and the related consultation system are protected under Italian law and in particular by the law of 22 April 1941 n. 633 and subsequent amendments, concerning the protection of copyright and related rights and, unless otherwise specified, belong exclusively to Albakora. Therefore, acts of reproduction and distribution, even partial, which have not been authorized by the right holders can be prosecuted civilly and criminally, pursuant to the aforementioned law.
Except for the limits established by current legislation, even partial reproduction of the Site and/or its contents by any means, technique and/or instrument is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Albakora. Requests for consent can be sent to the following email address: info@albakora.it
Partial quotations are permitted for reporting, criticism or reviews, provided they are accompanied by the name of the author and the indication of the source “Albakora Intellectual Property S.r.l.s.” and the domain name: https://www.albakora.it.
The material and information provided by Albakora on this Site are made available to the User, unless otherwise specified, exclusively for personal use. Any form of downloading or downloading is not permitted, not even in part, except where this is expressly authorized in order to allow the use of the service offered. The use of framing techniques concerning the Site, part of it and/or its contents is also not permitted.
All copyright and intellectual property rights relating to the configuration, content and organization of the Site belong exclusively to those entitled and on their behalf to Albakora.
The trademarks and distinctive signs of the editorial products present on the Site, unless otherwise indicated, are the property of Albakora. It is absolutely forbidden to use said trademarks and distinctive signs as well as metatags and/or hidden texts containing the trademarks and distinctive signs without the express prior written authorization of Albakora.