Alessandra Tavoni
Registered with the Order of Industrial Property Consultants – Trademarks Section.
Registered in the list of European Trademarks and Designs Attorneys.
She graduated in Law at La Sapienza University of Rome.
She has obtained the Diploma of Master of Higher Education (2nd level) for Business Lawyer at the Alma Laboris Business School of Rome.
Speaker at conferences on Intellectual Property and author of a contribution on the protection of Abruzzo’s quality agri-food brands.
She provides assistance and advice to companies on every step of IP protection: filing strategies, availability searches, watching, transcriptions, annotations, prosecution of Italian, European, international, foreign trademarks and designs, management and maintenance of IP portfolio over time, protection of authorial rights, strategic consulting, etc.
Luca Di Nisio
Business Partner
He graduated in Law from the Libera Università Maria Santissima Assunta (LUMSA) in Rome.
He has attended numerous professional development courses including the Criminal Lawyer Training Course organized by the Pescara Criminal Chamber, the Training Course for Trainers on Work Safety jointly organized by IN.SI. S.p.A., ANPROF, Fed. A.P.I. and is a Specialized Mediator for out-of-court dispute resolution.
Founder of the Di Nisio Law Firm based in Pescara.
He provides assistance in industrial, civil, criminal, corporate, health, labor and insurance law.
Cristian Catapano
Member of the Pescara Bar Association.
He graduated in Law from the University of Camerino.
He has attended numerous advanced courses including the Advanced Training Course “The Banking Litigation” organized by the Superior School of the Judiciary and the Course on “International Commercial Arbitration. Drafting Techniques for the Compromissory Clause. Economic implications of Contractual Equilibrium – Common Clauses in International Commercial Contracts” organized by AIGA in Pescara.
He provides assistance in industrial law, civil, corporate, bankruptcy, business crisis management, enforcement, public and proven contracts, transportation and customs, medical malpractice and industrial accidents.
Paolo Angelucci
He graduated in Economics and Business from the University of Pescara.
He has attended numerous advanced courses including the Master’s degree “M & A: tax, legal and financial advisory” organized by IPSOA.
Advisor on subsidized finance and professional partner of Il Sole 24 ore.
He advises on tax, credit, labor, social security and business contracts.
Barbara Politi
Of Counsel
Consultant registered with the Order of Industrial Property Consultants – Patent Section.
She graduated in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Pisa.
She has attended numerous specialized courses on innovation, competitive evaluations, technology transfer and international contracting including the Master in Corporate Contracting organized by Il Sole 24 Ore Business School and Strategic Roadmapping, Technology Intelligence & Open Innovation organized by Strategies & Innovation S.r.l. and University of Cambridge.
Advisor in strategic innovation management.
Founder of the 1st Italian association of patent documenters and owner of ADDI’ S.r.l., a consulting firm in Intellectual Property and Industrial Innovation Management, based in Livorno.
Daniele T. Iacobelli
Of Counsel
He graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Milan.
Member of the International Federation of Intellectual Property Consultants (FICPI).
Member of the Italian College of Intellectual Property Consultants.
Speaker at numerous conferences on Intellectual Property in Italy and abroad and owner of DTI PATENTS, a firm specializing in Intellectual Property based in Rome.